i’m not one for new year's resolutions, however, i think a decent amount of self-reflection during this time is healthy.
life comes at you fast, sometimes i forget just how much i’ve learned.
never stop trying to get to know yourself. accept you are going to change. you’ll look back at photos of yourself from five years ago and wonder who that little kid is. they’d be proud of this version of you.
find the little things that bring you joy. seek them out, let them consume you, build your life around them. they’ll save you a little bit every day
move your body, at least once a day. especially on days that feel heavy and long. any movement will do, even if it’s just getting out of bed.
find hobbies that make you feel fulfilled. hobbies that aren’t going to make you money or be displayed for the entire world to see. it’s important to find simple activities whose only purpose is to make you happy.
fall in love without thinking about when the other shoe is going to drop. don’t be so afraid of it. there’s not always another shoe.
martinis are better at home. a drink just tastes better when you’re surrounded by laughter and old friends in the comfort of your home.
take a moment to think about the lessons you learned this year, good and bad.
see you in the new year xx